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Nov 06

Live @ Aloft with Nate Botsford

Tuesday, November 06
to 9:30pm

Popular Portland-based artist Nate Botsford’s hybrid style is a lifetime in the making and the backbone of his latest release Hourglass. Nate began playing piano when he was only five, but the Taylor acoustic guitar given to him by his dad at age 14 became the instrument that has accompanied him everywhere and helped to lay the foundation for his musical career. That career has seen up to 300 shows a year for the last five years: from coffeehouses to mainstages, Nate has pleased audiences with his feel-good tunes and relatable lyrics. Nate has shared the stage with the eclectic likes of Eric Hutchinson, Barenaked Ladies, James Bay, Ingrid Michaelson, and Lukas Graham, and calls upon his influences of Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, and his big-band pianist grandfather while crafting his music.